Monday, October 31, 2011

PotD: First Love

Shot with my 1st SLR: a Canon XTi using the kit lens many years ago; this shot will always have a special place in my heart as one of the first photos that I was 100% happy with. I was in my parents backyard probably more a creation of chance than a actual plan; i was still learning how the camera worked; they had a ton of butterflies and i was determined to play with settings until i could catch one that I liked. They are really fantastic subjects, so much color and they are much easier to catch than a hummingbird. One of the best places in the area to get them is Brookgreen Gardens at the beach; they have a butterfly garden just for that purpose and a zillion flowers in general. Since This shot i've upgraded to a Canon 7D and purchased a 100mm macro lens, but even with the better gear I've yet to take one that i love more than this one.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

PDHeartWalk2011: October 29, 2011

Click the image above to see some of the shots I took today.

This is my 2nd year attending, very fun event despite the cool start today; glad to see alot of people come out and walk with us today!

Anyone who wants them feel free to download and use them as you wish!  If you do consider donating to the American Heart Associate; i've made their logo a link to the donate page:

Friday, October 28, 2011

2011 Heart Walk Tomorrow Morning!

tomorrow (10/29/2011) is the 2011 Pee Dee Heart Walk here in Florence I'll be out there shooting, so anyone who sees me do say hi! i'd love to get some good portraits! the turn out last year was really good. looking forward to it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Taste of Florence: October 18, 2011

The Taste of Florence was a smashing success, a very crowded event at our Civic Center Here in Florence with lots of yummy food for all! I personally felt that our bakeries really "take the cake" :) I've love Freeman's and we've now got both a cupcake store and a cake shop, we are becoming a very dangerous place to live (at least we have a bunch of new gyms opening to go along with them:) )

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Let the Blogger Bloging Begin!

So I was thinking that i'm really paying Squarespace without a good reason to, I love Google so why not use blogger.  I know that many might feel it's less professional but i really like some of the newer templates, also i figure it should  have tighter integration with Google+ which i love.

I know many an awesome photographer that uses blogger for their blog ( for example, and if i'm not going to go into great depth with the site i don't see why i wouldn't want to

I did love Squarespace's iOS app and if i do decide to go this route i will def miss that.

The real question for me is "where do i want people to be directed when they go to my URL ; here with a link to smugmug or smugmug with a link to here...